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We commit to ensuring a livable world and sustainable environment by adhering to the following principles:

  • Conducting our business with an awareness of environmental protection and reducing the negative impacts of all our activities on the environment,
  • Controlling environmental pollution and reducing its impact levels,
  • Implementing a sustainable environmental management system,
  • Continuously improving our environmental performance,
  • Disposing of and recycling waste in ways that do not harm the environment,
  • Adopting a zero-waste policy,
  • Complying with environmental laws and other obligations,
  • Increasing the use of reusable or recyclable materials,
  • Reducing the consumption of natural resources,
  • Increasing the knowledge and awareness of our employees about the environment and implementing efficiency-enhancing projects for a sustainable environment together with them,
  • Procuring products and services from sustainable, traceable suppliers who prioritize the environment,
  • Avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and emphasizing zero discharge,
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions,
  • Working with our stakeholders to use water efficiently.

We pledge to meet the above commitments for a livable world and a sustainable environment.